Hands-on Labs

Table of contents

  1. Official course Hands-on Labs
  2. Microsoft Quickstart Hands-On Labs
  3. Other Official Microsoft Workshop or Hackathon Hands-On Labs

Official course Hands-on Labs

  • AI-050 official course lab instructions is available here.
  • You can download the latest instructions and complete solution here

Note: Microsoft Learning has the right to remove the repository containing the hands-on labs. When a course is set to be retired for any reason the repository supporting hands-on labs is removed by Microsoft Learning. You can consult the Course retirement here.

NOTE: To complete the interactive labs in this course, learners need an Azure subscription that has been approved for access to Azure OpenAI Service. The approval process can take several days.

Microsoft Quickstart Hands-On Labs

Quickstart Description
Get started using GPT-35-Turbo and GPT-4 with Azure OpenAI Service Get started using Azure OpenAI for Azure OpenAI Studio, C#, GO,Java, Spring, JavaScript, Python, PowerShell and REST
Quickstart: Generate images with Azure OpenAI Service Generating images with Azure OpenAI.
Quickstart: Chat with Azure OpenAI models using your own data You can use your own data with Azure OpenAI models.

Other Official Microsoft Workshop or Hackathon Hands-On Labs

Hands-On Labs Description
Azure OpenAI in a day workshop In this technical workshop, you will get a comprehensive introduction to Azure OpenAI Service and Azure OpenAI Studio
Build & Modernize AI Applications Demonstrate how to build Modern AI Apps with AI assistant user experience that incorporate Hero Azure Services including Azure OpenAI Service, Azure Container Apps (or AKS), Azure Cosmos DB and Azure Cognitive Search. Demo app here
Build and Modernize AI Applications Hackathon A 1-2 day hackathon to help users learn the concepts and technical skills to build AI-enabled applications and services in Azure.

Note: This workshops were not written/designed by me. Workshops are maintained by Microsoft, which reserves the right to remove or archive it in read-only mode on GitHub without notice.

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Companion Material and Resources for Class Delivery by Ricardo Cabral